Call for Help!!!
dear brother don,
still unable to get in touch with winsome or philip in myanmar. will try again tomorrow.
i have asked my brother's government office to endorse my application for a tourist visa in order to ensure that i get a visa asap. i will fly to manila on friday for a 930 am interview. the rest of this first team, dr. verna uy, dr. evelyn ignacio & physical therapist shem sameon (shem is also a preacher) or our missions coordinator ms. gigie carranza, will apply through normal channels since my brother told me he can only do this favor for me. didn't push him anymore to include the others since he is already going out of his busy schedule to accomodate me.
if all goes well, i will leave next week either on monday or tuesday, may 13, depending on available airline space and the visa of course.
Myanmar Relief Strategy and Plan
A. Prior to arrival of the 3 medical personnel:
1. chito to assess damage to vertaines house, preacher training school, achard's, yangon brethren's respective houses;
2. set up communications system;
3. assess feasiblity of working/registering with international and government relief agencies;
4. make plans together with yangon coc leaders and preachers at the training school for yangon relief work and possible trips to other areas/provinces where there are coc congregations and mission work;
5. locate suppliers and sources of food, water, medicine and shelter materials;
6. acquisition/ distribution of food, water and shelter materials to brethren;
7. repair of preacher school, if needed, and consider its use as a relief/feeding center;
8. set up feeding/water center at vertaines compound and/or achard's place to be managed by yangon coc;
9. establish ability of brethren and other volunteers to manage the relief/feeding center at the vertaines, etc. winsome to oversee this.
10. conduct regular devotionals for brethren, neighborhood volunteers, etc.
B. Upon arrival of the medical team (may 18-eta):
1. start roving medical team to start from vertaines residence, then to training school, achard's neighborhood, and other areas identified/recommen ded by brethren;
2. start provincial relief work in partnership with burmese brethren/preachers;
3. in the provincial areas, we will follow the above protocol;
C. Sustaining phase:
1. assess needs, opportunities and capabilities for further relief work;
2. assess capability and desire of local brethren to conduct further relief work without physcial presence of foreign participation;
3. establish an improved communications system with local brethren;
4. turnover funds, accountability forms/procedures and plans to local leadership;
5. assess financial and manpower capability to proceed to friendship evangelism;
D. Departure phase:
1. closing devotionals, turnover and prayers
2. goodbyes and till we meet again
on the ground, by God's grace, while we have made these plans, we will go where He will lead us.
our main object is to assist brethren in their time of need to recover from whatever physical, emotional or spiritual damage they are in. and as we strengthen and encourage them through our work and God's love, we would like them to see how they can take part in the opportunity that God has given them to be a blessing to their neighbors by participating in nieghborhood relief or assistance activities that we will organize and turn over to them.
we do not want to breed dependence with the charity that we bring. instead, we bring the message that they are part of a loving and caring universal church. for brethren to realize that while we can give material and physical relief to the damage suffered by cyclone ragus, the best gift that they have and that they can share is the gift of being in Christ and in Christ's family. and the friendships that will be bonded with their kin and neighbors during the relief work, are open doors for them to share the gospel.
having proposed all the above plans, we continue to ask for your prayers. thank you for your trust and partnering with us in the myanmar relief efforts. i know of your great desire for the gospel to flourish in asia, and i pray that God will continue to bless your small congregation in double springs, alabama, to continue in your giant ways. truly, when we let God use our resources, talents, abilities and our life, He is able to accomplish much through us.
should there be others who want to take part in this relief work and support our plans and desire to take this open door to this country in shackles, we will welcome your donations. our account details are:
account name: MARCH for Christ, Inc.
US$ savings account no.: 8124005117
bank name: Bank of the Philippine Islands, Baguio City Branch
all donations will be receipted.
we go with God.
your brother,
chito cusi
MARCH for Christ(medical action for relief, counseling and healing)
Update: The First team planning to go to Myanmar are all ready set to depart this week once all their visas are granted. Prayers are needed for the success of this Mission Relief Workers. For more information about the group M.A.R.C.H. for Christ, please click July 2006 under Archives.
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