Day 4: Mission Relief Work in Myanmar
This is the latest from Yangon --
May 15, 2008---Day 4
Dear family and brethren in the Lord,
Today was not as exciting as yesterday's trek into the Irawaddy delta. But it had its share of exciting events and opportunities.
First, I met brother U Ba Htay in his damaged house. A retired soldier who had been baptized recently. Surprisingly robust and full of energy for the gospel at age 70, I pray that he will be instrumental in bringing many to Christ. He has 3 married sons and one of his daughters-in-law listened intently as I delivered a short message and Philip Lian translated. He used to worship with a denominational church, and his search for true worship has led to the church in Yangon. And yes, of course, we will repair his house and that of his sons. And also of a lady's house who he has been 5/16/08 at 12:42 AM
lady's house who he has been studying the bible with.
Second reason for optimism is I met two elderly women who came to meet me this afternoon at my hotel! They are both doctors and wanted to join our mission, but when Philip and I told them about our trip to Irawaddy, they realized they are too old. Now, the optimism comes from the promise of the ladies to introduce us to the group of their children who have a medical and relief team that went out today to Irawaddy. Please pray that we will be able to utilize the energy of this young men and women to deliver relief to the far flung areas. If this materializes, we will always take opportunity to provide spiritual insipiration and direction.
Third of all, the meeting with 7 pillar-members of the church in Yangon was very fruit 5/16/08 at 12:42 AM
of the church in Yangon was very fruitful. Everyone is enthusiastic to participate in helping out in organize and participate in the coming relief missions to irawaddy. We have divided into several assignments and once all the tarps, rice and dried fish are packed into 1,000 bags, we will leave Saturday dawn either for Bogale or Kunyangone. We also have an invitation to go to the farthest point south which is in lopatta, where a doctor will be coordinating efforts with us. This is the place where the stench of death permeates your skin and where the floating bodies remain unrecovered.
Some disappointments so far:
1. To-date I have not received confirmation to go to the island of Hiene-Gyi with the retired admiral's party;
2. The general's convoy to Irawaddy has not yet mate 5/16/08 at 12:42 AM
materialized (only up to planning stage);
3. I have over $6,000 ($100 dollar bills) that I cannot use because money changers do not accept bills that have the face of Benjamin Franklin smudged or creased. I have told my coming teams to make sure they will not bring such bills.
Other than this, I am so blessed to be here to be your eyes, ears, hands, heart, and mouth. Pray that I will be able to return to Irawaddy undetected. Please pray that the rest of our Filipino team of workers will finally get their visas tomorrow; there has been delay with one whose visa was marked as aid worker when he went to Pakistan. Most importantly, continue to pray with me that the church will grow spiritually from this experience and the church will grow in numbers as they unite to work together.
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Pls. pray also fro the contacts we have made so far and whom we have yet to make. Pray for Saiman, the housekeeping supervisor, and Winnie (Winsome's friend), sales manager, of the Dusit Inya Lake Hotel; Douglas Vertaines, his wife, Weenie, and 3 grown children, Linda, Henry & Suzy; the businessmen brothers Ta-te & Mee Yat; brother Htay's family; the community secretary and his family; U Mah our driver, and, everyone else the Lord will put on our way.
This is all for now, and I pray for another blessed day of service tomorrow.
Your brother, partner and fellow-servant in Burma,
Chito Cusi,
M.A.R.C.H. President
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